Monday, August 11, 2008


Today was a day of blessings. A dear friend, Cathy, had cancer surgery, but got a great report from the lab, so follow-up chemo isn't needed. That was a huge answer to prayer!

Second blessing--cooler temps and some much needed rainfall yesterday and today. No running the sprinkler system! (our bill was over $117 last month, so you can see why I'm so thrilled!) Hopefully the 100 degree heat has broken and we won't get above the 90's. But today, I was just loving me some 70's!

Third blessing--even a few days after my birthday, I'm still getting birthday wishes. I just love facebook and myspace. LOL It makes it easier to keep up with folks you don't see all the time.

Fourth blessing--Gaylon froze the rest of the Italian creme cake. Thank the Lord! It was delicious, but I have been in a cake coma from eating too much! : )

So, a good day. Hope you had a good one, too.

Monday, August 4, 2008


August is kind of a busy month for birthdays around here. Lindsay, our daughter, turns 26 tomorrow on the 5th. We celebrated early Sunday night, with Linds and her friend, Magnus, who shares the day (he's turning 29). My birthday is the 8th, on Friday and I'll be 51. Man, that doesn't seem possible! AARP eligible for a year! Just 4 years away from the 55 and up discounts offered around town. I can't be that old, can I? It just seems like yesterday that I was turning 31. (that birthday bothered me more than 30....30 was still touching 29 on the number line and 31 seemed like the entrance into the last half of my life. LOL)

But, it's all good. God has blessed me with good health and I believe Oprah when she says 50 is the new 30. (except when I get out of bed in the morning!) It's all a matter of attitude. And right now, I've got an attitude of gratitude. I've got a wonderful family and the best friends anyone could ask for (local and some that live far away). I don't think you can ask for more than that. God is good.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Life is good!

The desktop charger came in...the Blackberry is cooking again! And I'm VERY happy at spending way less than the price of a new phone. So, HMMPH to AT&T!