Sunday, September 28, 2008

Gosh, where does the time go?

I started this blog with the total intention of keeping it updated, at least every couple of weeks. Now I see it's been since mid August since I posted, and it's almost October!

Well, I guess my only excuse is that I've been busy. August brought the start of school and the beginning of technical assistance visits and now reviews in the classrooms that I visit. It seems like since I retired from teaching and started this job, I have less time than ever and I can't figure out why!

I want to have a Mary Kay holiday open house in November...actually, what I've done in the past that works out very well is to run one for about two weeks, and schedule appts. throughout the time period. My office looks like Hurricanes Gustav and Ike ran through it though, so I've got some work to do!

OK, I have got to get to bed and get some extra ZZZZZ's! More later!