First a few words about what posting on Chris's blog has meant to me. Through it, I have met so many wonderful people, and lots of them in person, now that we've had the picnic. I got to know a wonderful young lady named Amanda, and her mom, Tammy, and my life is richer for it. I had the opportunity to work with the best friends anyone ever met over the internet and helped plan a fan picnic for Chris and the Fro Patro that turned out rather well. And we raised money for St. Jude which was a good thing, in memory of dear Amanda. And I got to know a great guy who sings and writes named Chris Sligh and his wonderful wife, Sarah in the process. So, I'd say it has been one of those life-changing things that you don't know is life-changing at the time.
Now, on to my "real" life (lol) I interviewed for a college teaching position yesterday. Don't really think I'll get it, as they no doubt had adjuncts apply with lots of college teaching experience, which I don't have. However, if classroom experience and knowledge of the monitoring instrument being used right now in our Pre-K classes counts for anything, then maybe I have a shot. Who knows? I put it in God's hands and we'll see what happens.
I just got back from my Mary Kay Seminar in Dallas. (I've run my MK business for 20 years....one of the hats I wear, hence the title.) It was an experience as always, and I got lots of ideas. I love the products, love the philosophy, and love helping my clients find what is best for them. I guess I got that retail gene in my blood from my dad. Of course, he retailed auto parts. LOL Well, slight difference, but same idea...nothing happens until someone sells something!
OK, guess that is it for now. I've added in a few of my favorite shots from the picnic/concert.
Yeah Risa is blogging on her own. I love your pictures, but what is up with DJ jumping front of my mom at the breakfast. By the way I love the pink page, mary kay lady:)
It's so DJ! LOL
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