Monday, January 12, 2009

Empty Me-the fan video

So, last Oct., Chris Sligh asked fans to submit themselves lip-synching to "Empty Me", with the idea of compiling the submissions into a video. The creation is done, and the JLNLR girls appear at about 1:46, performing in the Heaven's Loft store (the project that will benefit from Chris's appearance at Central Baptist Church, NLR, this Sat., the 17th at 7 p.m. Go to for $10 tickets or you can get them at the door for $15). My niece also makes an appearance, but sadly, my nephew got cut. I'll let Chris explain that to him at the next fan picnic. LOL Enjoy!

1 comment:

RC said...


you guys could do more lip-synch videos.

better than milli-vanilli!