Saturday, July 26, 2008

I'm a Little Blue, Not Pink

It has been one of those days, ya' know? It started off on the wrong foot when I took my Blackberry off the charger this morning and found out it hadn't charged. And wouldn't charge despite me changing it to several different outlets. So, I made a trip to the phone store, where they thought it was a faulty connector on the phone, and they sent me to the device store
WAAAYY over in far west Little Rock. Long story short, after a great deal of rudeness from the clerk there, she told me my phone had water damage and that was that. (and they didn't offer insurance on the BB when I got it...they started that in June). I have NOT dropped my phone in water, and have no clue when any water could have gotten in the phone, and the manager admitted the problem was the connector, as my phone was working perfectly, just unable to charge. But the little red dot means no replacement phone. Have you priced a Blackberry (or any smartphone for that matter) at full price without it being tied to a plan lately? And I have over a year left before I'm eligible for another. ARGH! So, I guess it's off to Ebay for me and a lot of praying that I get an honest seller.

Oh, and I got the "another candidate has been chosen for the position....thank you for your interest...." letter. I was expecting it, but it just was sort of the icing on the cake for the kind of day it's been. Some days are like that, ya' know? Tomorrow will be better, I'm sure. Forgive me for's just a whining kind of day. : )

1 comment:

Audra said...

Whine away it sounds like you deserve it. I swear technology is supposed ti make our lives easier but it always comes back to bite us in the behind.